
the 51st Grammy Awards

so this year's Grammy Awards Ceremony was so last month, i know.
but i was just going through some old videos, and i thought i'd post this. i would've earlier as well too, but...just didn't.

i do have to say that this year's ceremony was the best i've ever seen, with a few exceptions.
here's just a short list of things that i noticed whilst watching the awards.

1) impromptu performances are not always terrible, nor do they appear to be not not rehearsed either. (ya'll know what i'm talking about.)

2) Jonas Brothers are fakes. 'nuff said. (if you really do feel like challenging me for some reason, watch the one brother there who is supposed to be playing the guitar. he is in fact not. FAKE.)

3) Justin Timberlake does have a lot of soul in him.

4) Coldplay's jackets were amazing. and their performance was also amazing. i loves them.

5) Radiohead should now take that same marching band with them whenever they go on tour.

6) Katy Perry needs to hone up on her dance moves. Seriously. And also, not use any sort of giant fruit on her tour.

7) Katy Perry may actually be overrated. (Sorry to all those who do in fact listen to her. Sorry!)

8) If you are indeed due to give birth the night that you are supposed to perform on stage, you probably still can - if you're M.I.A though. She still looked awesome with the "Rap" Pack. Schwagger like that.

9) Jennifer Hudson is definitely up there with all those great singing 'divas' - Whitney Houston, Tina...umm...Whitney Houston....

10) Paul McCartney is still great. Of course. And Dave Grohl is Animal. No doubts.

11) T.I may be the only rapper out there that i can understand. He's also hot. Oh, and JT can play piano? huh.

12) Get a washed-up old rocker and a country-folk singer together, (and also one of the best producers too) and you're guaranteed to get a few grammy's.

13) Neil Diamond may be hiding something from us all...(hahaha.) Either way, he still reminds us that "Sweet Caroline" can get stuck in our heads for days.

14) Come backs & Re-unions should be definitely be said whilst on live air, on stage.

15) Where in the world did Robin Thicke come from, and who would've known that he would be a good choice for a duet with Lil' Wayne?

and last

16) No one should ever cut off Stevie Wonder. Ever.

1 comment:

AK said...

This is my first time at your blog.
I simply adore the post "23 of the best bought albums of 2008"
Completely agreed with you.
